I beg anyone suggesting 6-year-olds take Ozempic to talk to me first

Giving children a weight loss jab seems like an easy way out - and I have huge concerns for their psychological welfare. 

I beg anyone suggesting 6-year-olds take Ozempic to talk to me first
Julie Bale sitting in a chair wearing a blue jacket
It took me years to unlearn my hatred of food (Picture: Julie Bale)

I’ll always remember being labelled fat as a child

My GP would ask where I got my weight from. It was suggested at school that I take part in the shot put because of my size. 

It led me to a lifetime of hating my reflection in the mirror, of being obsessed with my food intake, never allowing pictures of me to be taken, and constantly berating myself for not having the body others said I should. 

That’s why, when I read an article quoting an expert who advised that children as young as six should be given weekly weight loss jabs to tackle obesity – such as Ozempic – I was incensed and deeply distressed. 

I understand that scientists are desperate to combat the obesity crisis but for me this is not the way. In fact, I believe it is a really damaging idea.  

Professor Carel Le Roux believes that giving obese children semaglutide (also known as Ozempic or Wegovy) could reduce their chances of suffering diabetes.

From a medical perspective this could sound like a good idea. However, this is a drug that we know can cause such awful physical side effects such as nausea, diarrhoea, stomach cramps and more. 

That’s not something we should be subjecting children to. 

Julie as a child
I’ll always remember being labelled fat as a child (Picture: Julie Bale)

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One study suggested that when people stop taking Ozempic, most regain the majority of the weight they have lost. Are we therefore resigning our children to a lifetime of drug-taking aged six?  

There is no doubt that we need to tackle obesity – but surely education in schools and for parents around nutrition and exercise and a healthy lifestyle must take precedence over giving such young children an injection?  

As a society, there is also so much more work to be done dealing with ultra-processed food, fast food and portion sizes. 

Giving children a weight loss jab seems like an easy way out – and I have huge concerns for their psychological welfare. 

The labels and messages given to them around food and their bodies at a young age can and does end up leading to lasting pain and self-loathing. 

A box of injectable Ozempic
Patients who take Ozempic often put the weight back on (Picture: Getty)

Being told you are fat, being told your health is at risk and that you require medication can lead to a lifetime of feeling inadequate.  

I grew up having a terrible relationship with my body and with food – seeing both as the enemy. I cannot imagine the extra stress and negativity about themselves a child would have after being told that they need medication to correct their body, not to mention making them worry that they have some kind of disease.

In my work as a hypnotherapist, almost every client I have encountered for weight reset treatment has told me of times in their youth where they have been labelled fat, unloveable and a failure.

They have carried these sticks to beat themselves throughout their lives. 

One client told me that she was sent to the GP aged six by her mother to be dealt with, simply because she was overweight – and she still felt shame over 50 years later about how she looked. 

Julie Bale in a wedding dress dancing with a man in tartan trousers
Clients I work with have been through similar struggles with their body as I have (Picture: Julie Bale)

Another client still had nightmares about being taunted and shamed about how overweight she was as a child. A third told me of not going out on dates because she assumed nobody could love that body.  

I teach people to put down the words that have been weaponised in their minds to hurt them over many years.    

Offering weekly drugs to children seems ludicrous – before you even get into the stigma and distress surrounding taking weekly medication.

Every child, no matter their weight, is gloriously different. 

Let’s educate them on how to eat, help them to choose foods that make them feel healthy and vibrant and help them to find the exercise they enjoy.

Let’s help every child feel good about their bodies, even if they are clinically regarded as overweight for their age.

Let’s not saddle them with a label that could alter the way they think and feel about themselves for the rest of their lives. 

It’s time to let children be children.   

Julie Bale’s book The Real Me isn’t Fat is available from June 10 

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