‘I’m a mum with an eating disorder, this is what worries me most’

‘It has destroyed friendships and jobs.'

‘I’m a mum with an eating disorder, this is what worries me most’
distressed mum
There are at least 1.25million people in the UK currently suffering from an eating disorders and they span generations (Picture: Justin Paget/Getty)

In her County Down home, Joanne Heaney keeps a drawer filled with chocolate and crisps that she knows she will never eat.

It’s a habit born twenty years ago when, as part of her university course, she spent a year in Sweden.

Away from home, she fell very ill and ended up in hospital in an episode that began a two-decade battle with an eating disorder that Joanne still fights today.

‘I would restrict what I ate and then hoard food,’ she tells Metro.co.uk. ‘I was so anxious over it; I needed to have the food there, but I couldn’t allow myself to eat it.

‘My friends were enjoying being away from home and going out for meals and I just wasn’t able to do that. If I did eat something there was so much guilt afterward. I was gaunt, tired and irritable. A totally different person.’

Joanne says that in the space of a couple of months everything changed – all that she had worked so hard for in school was suddenly not of interest. ‘The only important thing was to be in control of what I ate and to not interact with anybody,’ she admits. ‘It was like there was this beast in me.’

When her blood sugars dropped dangerously low and she passed out in the snow at university, Joanne was rushed to hospital with exhaustion and malnutrition. There, she was told that she had a serious eating disorder and sent back to her home in Northern Ireland to recover.

But that wasn’t the end of her battle.

Although traditionally considered a condition experienced by teenage girls, according the charity Beat, there are at least 1.25million people in the UK currently suffering from anorexia, avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder, binge eating disorder, bulimia and other conditions – and they span generations.

Joanne Heaney with her baby
Joanne has battled with eating disorders since she was a teenager (Picture: Joanne Heaney)

Now aged 40 and a mother herself, Joanne has recovered and fallen ill a number of times and has been hospitalised three times over her eating disorders.

When she was pregnant with her fourth child, he was born prematurely and spent time in neonatal intensive care. Joanne’s kidneys started to fail and she contracted a potentially fatal C.diff infection, because her body had been so damaged.

Joanne recovered, but is again in the middle of a relapse.

‘All these years later we’re still in it,’ she says sadly. ‘It has destroyed friendships and jobs, it impacts my marriage and I fear anorexia will eventually take everything from me.’

And she worries ‘every single day’ about her children going through a similar thing. ‘The girls watch my every move,’ she adds.

Joanne believes Northern Ireland lacks the resources to provide mums like her with enough support. There are insufficient inpatient beds and she had to fight her local council to be allowed to bring her baby son to outpatient appointments.

Joanne Heaney in hospital with baby
Joanne’s kidneys started to fail during one pregnancy and she contracted a potentially fatal C.diff infection, because her body had been so damaged (Picture: Joanne Heaney)

‘I really feel strongly that more can be done. For most parents their main focus is making sure their child is okay, but things need to be made more accessible to mothers to be able to prioritise their health and to be able to recover,’ she says.

Business owner Amy Green*, from Scotland, had a healthy relationship with food – until she was seven months pregnant with her second child. 

‘When I was thinking about trying for a second baby, I was conscious that I was the biggest I’ve been and I wasn’t feeling healthy,’ she tells Metro. ‘I had never been a dieter but there was all this NHS marketing about the impact of being overweight on fertility, so I decided to get in better shape.’

However, Amy ‘became obsessed’.

‘I had to burn more calories than I had consumed that day, and in my mind, in order to have permission to eat, I had to do more exercise,’ she remembers.

Amy would look at her new Fitbit hundreds of times a day, monitoring her heartbeat, how many steps she’d taken and how many calories she’d burnt. She started weighing herself and running greater and greater distances.

‘My life was 100% dominated by having to achieve x-number of steps and keep my weight exactly the same – down to the last gramme,’ she admits.

pregnant woman on scales
Doctors told Amy not to worry as she had a healthy BMI (Picture: Getty Images)

Her periods stopped, which should have been a red flag, but when Amy spoke to the GP about whether this would impact her fertility, she was told over the phone that it was positive to have lost so much weight.

At a later visit when she tentatively asked if she was overdoing it, she was told not to worry, she had a healthy BMI.

When Amy decided to try and put on weight, she couldn’t.

Then she became pregnant. ‘I was so desperate for this baby to thrive, but the anorexic thoughts and behaviours were this force that overrode every single healthy and protective instinct I had. It was terrifying,’ she remembers.

‘Weight gain felt like it literally would be a fate worse than death. And yet you are desperate for this baby that you love to thrive. The self loathing that comes with that is quite something.’

Exhausted and miserable, Amy kept going to the gym. Googling her symptoms she was shocked to find she had anorexia, so at her six-month appointment, told her obstetrician that she needed help for her eating disorder. 

Maternity Portrait in front of window in UK.
Amy was eventually referred to eating disorder services (Picture: Getty Images)

‘She said to me: “You know you need to eat for the baby. You just need to park the eating disorder until after the baby is born.”’ She just obviously believed this was a selfish choice I was making that I was prioritising some lifestyle fad over the safety of my baby. I felt completely dismissed and humiliated.’

Amy was broken, she felt suicidal and insomnia set in. Returning to her GP for help she was finally referred to eating disorder services where she received excellent support.

However, her birth was traumatic, with her obstetrician denying any knowledge of Amy’s request for help with the eating disorder. It left her deeply distraught until finally a psychiatrist stepped in. ‘She asked me questions that no one had ever asked me like: “How much exercise are you actually doing? How do you feel when you’re eating? What behaviours have you been keeping secret from your partner?” 

‘I know that the vast majority of midwives and health visitors genuinely want to offer the women and families in their care the best possible support in all aspects of their pregnancy. But unless they are educated in eating disorders, there is a really high chance that they could do more harm than good.’

Jeanne Magagna, psychotherapist and spokesperson for the Association of Child Psychotherapists and author A Psychotherapeutic Understanding of Eating Disorders says that stepping into motherhood can present many challenges.

‘Particularly for a mother who is not sufficiently supported by her partner,’ she explains. 

‘The child’s distress, dependence and hostility will severely challenge a parent who has not found a way of receiving and understanding her own emotional needs and conflicts.

‘Eating disorders are designed to blot out difficult emotional experiences that one is not able to hold sufficiently long to think about their meaning. It is essential to recognise that they are serious mental health conditions which are detrimental to physical and mental development of  both mother and child.’

Hope Virgo with her baby
Hope, 33, has since been through periods of relapse and recovery, and was amazed when she fell pregnant in 2022; a ‘terrifying happy accident’ (Picture: Hope Virgo)

Despite the shame and guilt experienced by some mums, having anorexia doesn’t make you a bad parent, explains campaigner and writer Hope Virgo.

She began restricting food at the age of 13 and four years later was admitted to hospital because her BMI had dropped so far doctors believed her life could be in danger. 

Hope, 33, has since been through periods of relapse and recovery, and was amazed when she fell pregnant in 2022; a ‘terrifying happy accident’.

‘I don’t think I felt well enough to have a baby. It was really hard,’ she tells Metro. ‘Everyone focuses on the body changing and pregnancy, which when you’ve had an eating disorder is really challenging.

Hope Virgo kissing her baby
It’s confusing for new mums like Hope, who constantly felt like she was failing (Picture: Hope Virgo)

‘In pregnancy, there’s such a normalisation of eating disorder culture, because we’re constantly being told to not eat too much like, you’re not eating for two, but you’ve got to eat a little bit more, and your bump is constantly being commented on. You become so hyper-conscious of everything.’

These contradictions abound; pregnant women are led to believe their bump size is the only important thing, while mothers with anorexia are not permitted to breastfeed or advised to exercise to help with the anxiety. 

It’s confusing for new mums like Hope, who constantly felt like she was failing: ‘I felt embarrassed that I struggled with food,’ she admits. ‘My eating disorder has always been very much about managing my emotions, so when I feel like a rubbish mum, then I feel like, maybe I’m better off not here.

Hope Virgo on a beach with her baby
Women’s services are ‘massively underfunded’ warns Hope (Picture: Hope Virgo)

‘It’s that kind of constant juggling all of those emotions in your head. And when you’re tired and you’ve been a bit rundown, all of those emotions get much more amplified.’

It’s a complex condition that requires dedicated and long-term support. But both eating disorder services and women’s services are ‘massively underfunded’ warns Hope.

Fortunately she now has the tools in place to manage the condition. ‘I am in a good place and determined to fully recover,’ she says. 

Joanne Heaney
Joanne believes she will recover because she’s done it before (Picture: Joanne Heaney)

Joanne is also optimistic about the future. And while she battles her demons, works hard at home to set a good impression for her kids, who are watching everything she does.

‘I do believe I can recover, because I’ve done it before,’ she says. ‘I’ve always been told I’m a chronic case, but there has to be life beyond this.’

Eating disorders during pregnancy

A spokesperson for the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists says the organisation cannot comment on individual cases, but Vice President Professor Asma Khalil adds: ‘For women who have experienced an eating disorder, it can help to tell your doctor or midwife. They can then listen to any issues or concerns you may have, make sure you get the right level of care and monitoring during pregnancy and they may refer you to a specialist in eating disorders if appropriate and helpful.’

Umairah Malik, Clinical Advice Coordinator for eating disorder charity Beat, adds: ‘While pregnancy and motherhood can be incredibly exciting and rewarding, this period of life can also bring feelings of stress and isolation, which can contribute to an eating disorder developing or worsen existing behaviours for someone who is unwell. For instance, disordered eating could become a coping mechanism while caring for a young child and older relatives, trying to balance work and home life, or struggling with health problems after childbirth.’

If you’re worried about your own or someone else’s health, you can contact Beat, the UK’s eating disorder charity, on 0808 801 0677 or click here.

 *Names have been changed