10 second test may be able to predict if you will outlive your friends and family

Do the work now, so you don't fail the test later.

10 second test may be able to predict if you will outlive your friends and family
A 10 second balance test may predict who will die earlier
A 10 second balance test may predict who will die earlier (picture: Getty Images/Westend61)

Forget crystal balls, a simple fitness test could help you see into the future and predict whether or not you’ll outlive your peers.

A study conducted in Brazil found that a simple balance test may be an indicator for health and life expectancy.

Researchers found that older people (50 to 70-year-olds) who could balance on one leg for 10 seconds were more likely to live longer than their friends and family.

All the 1,700 participants were asked to stand on one leg with their other leg tucked behind them and their arms by their sides.

The same people were then tracked for a whopping seven years and the results showed that those who could not balance for the 10 seconds were 84% more likely to die than those who could balance.

This could be due to the lack of balance indicating muscle loss, meaning older people are more likely to fall, which could be fatal.

In fact, falls are the second leading cause of unintentional injury deaths worldwide, with about 684,000 dying from a tumble each year.

Graphic 10-Second Balance Test A new study finds that people who cannot stand on one leg for 10 seconds in mid to later life have a doubled chance of death in the next 10 years. The findings have been published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. The study used participants in a CLINIMEX exercise open cohort/ evaluation study, which was originally set up in 1994, to assess the association between various measures of physical fitness and other variables and risk factors. In their paper, the researchers evaluated a cohort of 1,702 participants between 2009 and 2020. During check-ups, the participants had to stand on one leg for 10 seconds without any additional support. The researchers aimed to standardize this test even more and had the cohort place the front of their free foot on the back of the lower leg, with their arms at their sides, all while gazing straight ahead. The cohort were allowed up to three attempts of this procedure. The results were astounding. Overall, one in five of the cohort failed the one-legged stance (OLS) test and there was a correlation between age and failure. Failure seemed to double at five-year intervals from age 51-55 onwards. The researchers then monitored the cohort over an average of seven years and found that 7 percent (123) of the cohort died. Of those deaths, 32 percent were caused by cancer, 30 percent by cardiovascular disease, 9 percent by respiratory disease, and 7 percent due to COVID-19 complications. However, there were no temporal trends in the deaths among those who could complete the OLS and those that failed. The proportion of deaths among those that failed was a lot higher: 17.5 percent versus 4.5 percent. Accounting for age, sex, and health conditions, the researchers determined that those who could not complete the 10-second OLS had an 84 percent heightened risk of death from any cause in the next decade.
The graphic shows your survival rate if you can balance on one leg vs not being able to balance. e.g people who could balance on their leg for 10 seconds have more than 90% chance of survival after 4,000 days, compared to the ‘no’ group, which have a survival rate of just below 70% (Picture: CLINIMEX)

It also accounts for 32,000 deaths each year in the US alone.

Studies suggest people lose about one to two percent of their muscle mass every year after they hit their early 30s.

At 80 years old people tend to have half the muscle mass they did at 40.

The study, conducted by the Exercise Medicine Clinic (CLINIMEX) in Rio de Janeiro, recruited participants who were on average 61 years old and overweight – 68% were men.

One in five (20%) of the participants could not balance on one leg for the full 10 seconds.

An example of the 10-second one-legged stance
An example of the 10-second one-legged stance (Picture: Dr. Claudio Gil Araujo)
Clinimex study cohort and their ability to complete the test
Clinimex study cohort and their ability to complete the test (Picture: Clinimex)

Each underwent the 10-second test at the start of the study — which revealed 348 participants, or one in five (20%), could not successfully balance for the full ten seconds.

This increased to more than half of the participants who were over 70. More than half of the deaths were a result of cancer or heart disease but Covid and respiratory problems were also causes.

By the end of the study, 123 of the 1,700 had died. Just 4.6% of the deaths were from the group that could balance, while the rest were from the group that could not balance.

Out of the 1,700 participants, 123 died and most were from the group which could not balance
Out of the 1,700 participants, 123 died and most were from the group which could not balance (picture: Getty Images/Image Source)
The survival rates of participants who failed and were successful
The survival rates of participants who failed and were successful (Picture: Clinimex)

One of the researchers, Dr Claudio Araujo, said: ‘Ageing is associated with a progressive decline in physical fitness and reductions or impairments in components of aerobic and non-aerobic fitness, including muscle strength, power, flexibility, balance and body composition.

‘It is also well established that the combination of sarcopenic obesity and loss of flexibility and balance are detrimental for overall health.

‘[This places] older adults with frailty more prone to falls and other serious adverse medical [consequences].’

But this isn’t the first test that can predict our lifespan. Metro tried a simple two-minute ‘sit and rise’ test (SRT) to get a measure of our future lifespan.

How did Metro do on the SRT:

Eleven staff in their twenties, thirties and forties gave the test a whirl, some with more than success than others.

However, six scored a perfect 10 and three scored nine. The remaining two scored eight and six.

The aim is to be able to sit down into a cross-legged position and get back up again, barefoot, without using your hands or arms to help. Top scorers use only their legs and core.

Everyone starts with 10 points, and loses a point for using any of the below for help either on the way down or the way back up:

  • Hand
  • Knee
  • Forearm
  • A hand on the knee or thigh
  • Side of the leg

The original study put more than 2,000 adults through the test, and found that of the 159 people who had died within the study period of 6.3 years, the majority had scored badly. Those with a score of between 0 and 3 were up to six times more likely to die.

A score below eight suggested a two to five times higher risk of death within the next six years.

How to improve your health:

As a basic starting point on a journey to better health, the NHS suggests, drinking less alcohol, quitting smoking (we guess that includes vaping too), taking care of your mental health and being active every single day.

There are also some NHS recommended apps to help you on your journey:

  • NHS Food Scanner app – helps you find healthier alternatives for your favourite foods
  • Couch to 5k app – beginner friendly running help
  • Drink Free Days app – track your alcohol intake
  • NHS Weight Loss Plan – weekly plans to help you lose weight if you need to
  • Active 10 app – helps you build up your daily walks
  • NHS Quite Smoking app – daily support on your quitting journey
  • How Are You? quiz – tailored tips on looking after your health

Do you have a story to share?

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