I know what it’s like to be a missing person

The policemen asked if I was OK and I nodded, my eyes filling with tears of shame and embarrassment.

I know what it’s like to be a missing person
Two photos of Sarah - on the right, she is wearing her hair open and a silver dress, smiling. On the left she has her hair up, on the sofa, looking into camera and smiling
I just wanted to disappear… so I did (Picture: Sarah Bones)

The police probably thought I was dead when they found me that day in April 2018. 

Tired of driving around aimlessly all day, I’d pulled over into a layby and laid down for a nap in the car.

The next thing I knew, a policeman was knocking on the window. I heard him tell his colleague to stand back as he reached into his pocket, presumably for something to smash the window with.  

I wound it down before he could, but I had no idea what to say.  

After all, what do you say when you’ve gone AWOL for a day, your name and photo splashed across local newspapers in a missing person’s appeal?

The policemen asked if I was OK and I nodded, my eyes filling with tears of shame and embarrassment. 

They didn’t ask why I’d gone missing – I wouldn’t have been able to explain it anyway – and simply took me home in their police car.  

Pulling up outside my house, I felt a mixture of emotions – anger at my husband Mark for reporting me missing (I’d only been missing for the best part of a day), shame at how low I’d sunk, and fear for the future. 

I know now that severe personal and professional burnout led to that moment, but you don’t always see it happening at the time. 

Sarah standing indoors, holding her coat, with a bag worn across her chest, a flowery top and jeans
I was relieved to hand in my notice and we moved house at the end of that month (Picture: Sarah Bones)

A year earlier, I’d been promoted to the manager of a new department at the university where I worked. It was what I had been working towards, but it meant a lot more responsibility and pressure. 

I rose to the challenge initially, found I enjoyed making important decisions and feeling like I was in a respected position, so I put my all into it. But when Mark and I decided to get married in December of that year, I soon found myself juggling work with wedding planning.

Add to all that raising two young children, you could say life was already pretty stressful.

Then we realised it would soon be time to apply for our eldest’s primary school place, and that our address would influence where he went. 

Mark and I wanted him to attend a school near where we both worked, so we realised we would have to move – and quickly. 

I’d always considered myself a good multitasker, but suddenly the thought of managing a house move alongside my demanding job, the kids and wedding organisation filled me with dread. Still, it had to be done. 

Sarah standing on a stairwell, wearing a silver dress and her hair down with silver errings
I drove aimlessly around my local area all day (Picture: Sarah Bones)

My days soon consisted of frantically ferrying the boys to and from nursery before and after work, followed by evenings of wedding planning and house hunting. I was mentally exhausted, but even when I finally went to bed, I couldn’t sleep as my to-do list raced constantly through my mind.

After the wedding that December, some of the pressure lifted and we also found the right house and prepared for the move. However, my nerves were still on edge.  

Soon, my performance at work started to unravel and I became very defensive with colleagues, feeling like my abilities were constantly being questioned. As a result, in January, I was signed off work with stress and depression.

I tried to take back control by applying for other jobs and I was soon offered a new role with a different company. Though it was less money, I’d also have less responsibility – a trade-off I was willing to make to try to preserve my mental health. 

Come March, I was relieved to hand in my notice and we moved house at the end of that month. And in April, without giving myself time to recuperate, I started my new job straight after finishing the old one.

Though I managed the first day, I felt completely detached from everything. By the following day, I just couldn’t do it, and rather than going in, I sat outside in the car park. 

When I went home I talked it all through with Mark. I admitted to feeling overwhelmed with anxiety and guilt so agreed to ring the doctor’s the following morning for an emergency mental health appointment.  

Sarah sitting on a grey sofa, with her hair tied up, wearing a navy blue dress with white flowers
I had just wanted to escape all the feelings of failure and the weight of expectations for a while (Picture: Sarah Bones)

But when I woke up the next day, on 11 April 2018, I was in no state to call the doctor.

I felt like I was no longer in my body. I was completely disengaged from my life – I didn’t know who my family were and everything felt wrong. So I refused to call.

Mark was, understandably, furious that I’d gone back on my promise to get the help I needed. But I didn’t care. In fact, I didn’t feel anything. 

I just wanted to disappear… so I did.

Pulling on my shoes, I grabbed my car keys and walked out of the house leaving my purse and phone behind. The last thing I heard as I shut the door behind me was Mark shouting at me to stay. I ignored him.

I drove aimlessly around my local area all day and I only stopped every now and then to lie down or sob. At one point I even thought about taking my own life – it was a comforting idea – but thinking about my family stopped me.

Around dinner time I was woken up from that nap by the police.

Back home, I explained to Mark that I had just wanted to escape all the feelings of failure and the weight of expectations for a while. I also admitted to the thoughts of ending it all.

Eventually, after a lot of talk and tears, I agreed to get the real help I needed.

I started counselling and was prescribed medication and I also had a long discussion with Mark about delegating more household responsibilities to him and letting go of control. Truly, every little thing has helped.

I’ve since returned to my love of writing and started a copywriting business. And ultimately, I learned what my signs of deteriorating mental health were.  

Of course, I’ll never forget that day; it was my rock bottom. But with working mothers 28% more likely to experience burnout than working fathers, it’s clear this is something we as a society need to get a handle on.

Now I want my fellow working mothers to know it’s OK to get help. I failed to spot the signs before it was too late but you don’t have to. 

Crucially, learn your unique signs of burnout and address it before things get out of hand. You don’t need to hit rock bottom before asking for help.

Do you have a story you’d like to share? Get in touch by emailing [email protected]

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