I thought I was just grumpy, but I was actually going through ‘male menopause’

Hypogonadism is a rare condition affecting testosterone production.

I thought I was just grumpy, but I was actually going through ‘male menopause’
Lad who was constantly grumpy was actually going through 'menopause'
Paul, 44, began experiencing symptoms in 2017 (Picture: Jam Press/Cognihax.com)

Phil Whittaker thought he was becoming a grumpy old man as he aged, however tests revealed his disgruntled demeanour was actually caused by ‘male menopause’.

When the 44-year-old from Buckinghamshire began experiencing strange symptoms like brain fog and insomnia in 2017, his mood suffered and he became concerned.

Doctors then diagnosed Phil with hypogonadism – a sudden drop in testosteroneoften referred to as the ‘male menopause’ or andropause.

They prescribed a lifestyle change alongside an artificial hormone gel, but Phil didn’t want to stay on this long term due to side effects like hair loss.

Phil Whittaker in 2020.
He felt ‘numb and grumpy all the time’ (Picture: Jam Press/Cognihax.com)

‘I felt numb and grumpy all the time, with a real lack of joy for my usual passions,’ he said.

‘I also developed a 20p size bald patch in my beard – this was the final straw. I think when symptoms become “visual”, it’s hard to put off and ignore.’

Phil Whittaker in 2017.
Paul also lost interest in his usual passions (Picture: Jam Press/Cognihax.com)

Following his diagnosis, he discovered there were long-term issues which could be caused by using certain types of testosterone gel over long periods.

So to help ease his symptoms and improve his energy levels, Phil began researching natural alternatives alongside the help of his wife Kay, 40.

And since it seemed there was nothing on the market tailored to his needs, he ended up creating his own mushroom brand.

Phil Whittaker in 2020.
Tests revealed the former banker was suffering from hypogonadism (Picture: Jam Press/Cognihax.com)

Phil said: ‘I researched functional mushrooms and tried some products, but they were just not good enough.

‘The mushrooms have been used in Chinese medicine for centuries. But we wanted to find a pure version, so researched and found high quality products.’

Although there were coffees containing these mushrooms available, he didn’t want his product to contain caffeine as it can exacerbate anxiety and lead to poor sleep. Additionally, powders he tried were ‘muddy’ and often dried up in the container.

Phil Whittaker with wife Kay in 2022.
Paul’s wife, Kay, helped him research treatment options (Picture: Jam Press/Cognihax.com)

In the end, Phil chose capsules and gummies and liquid droppers for his products, which he says helped return him to his previous jolly self after three months.

He went on to quit his day job in investment in favour of launching a nootropics company, Cognihax, and now shares his story to help men everywhere who think they may be going through hypogonadism.

‘I feel fantastic!’ Phil said ‘My levels are back to normal and I am now happily running Cognihax with my wife.’

Phil Whittaker in 2022.
He’s now back to his usual self (Picture: Jam Press/Cognihax.com)

In terms of advice, he added: ‘Most doctors would possibly hear your symptoms and write a prescription of anti-depressants.

‘Monitor your own emotional engagement and always share your feelings with those who know you best, as they will be able to see the symptoms.

‘Push for a blood test for testosterone levels and look into lifestyle changes.’

Hypogonadism explained

Symptoms of hypogonadism typically arise in men around their 40s or 50s, and can include:

  • low mood or depression
  • loss of sex drive
  • erectile dysfunction
  • mood swings and irritability
  • loss of muscle mass and reduced ability to exercise
  • fat redistribution, such as developing a large belly or ‘man boobs’ (gynaecomastia)
  • a general lack of enthusiasm or energy
  • difficulty sleeping (insomnia) or increased tiredness
  • poor concentration and short-term memory

However, in many cases lifestyle factors (such as stress) or other health issues (from smoking to psychological issues) are to blame, rather than anything hormonal.

Late-onset hypogonadism could be causing these symptoms if these other considerations are ruled out, but it is an uncommon and specific medical condition which can only be diagnosed through blood tests.

While hypgonadism can be present from birth, it typically causes symptoms like delayed puberty and small testes. In the case of ‘male menopause’, it develops later in life, and is more common in men who are obese or have type 2 diabetes.

If you’re concerned about your symptoms or suspect you may have hypogonadism, speak to your GP.

Via NHS.

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