Kurti: Kosovo is in the process of finalizing the process of negotiating the reform agenda

Kurti: Kosovo is in the process of finalizing the process of negotiating the reform agenda

Chaired by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, the thirteenth meeting of the Strategic Planning Commission was held today, in which the applications for the next round of the Investment Framework for the Western Balkans or WBIF were reviewed.

"The Investment Framework of the Western Balkans has opened two calls: for the 31st round of technical assistance grants and for the 10E round of investment grants. Today we will approve the applications for the open call for technical assistance grants, which will be used to prepare and help the implementation of infrastructure investments", said Kurti in his introductory speech, announced by the Prime Minister.

At the same time, it is known that he added that the source of financing infrastructure projects through the WBIF mechanism will be from the Growth Plan and the approval of calls in the fields of energy, transport, digital infrastructure and human capital will be according to the fulfillment of reforms which our institutions have agreed with the European Commission within the Reform Agenda for the EU Growth Plan.

"Kosovo is in the process of finalizing the process of negotiating the reform agenda, a process in which we are among the only states in the region, if not the only one, that have respected all the very ambitious deadlines set by the EU since the beginning. In the following weeks, we expect the process to be completed with the signing and entry into force of the agreements with the EU regarding the new instrument as well as the special lending agreement. After that, I expect from all the responsible institutions to maintain this rhythm of respecting the deadlines in fulfilling the objectives, namely the goals defined in their sectors", emphasized Kurti.