Meet Patrick Mast, Who Spent $73,000 To Look Like a Doll

Their appearance helped Patrick Mast gain popularity. They’ve been changing their appearance to resemble a doll since they were eighteen. Here are the incredible results they have achieved over more...

Meet Patrick Mast, Who Spent $73,000 To Look Like a Doll

Their appearance helped Patrick Mast gain popularity. They’ve been changing their appearance to resemble a doll since they were eighteen. Here are the incredible results they have achieved over more than 10 years of transformations.

They want to achieve a doll-like appearance.

Patrick’s distinct form of self-expression is remarkable, particularly their unwavering pursuit of what they refer to as the “plastic aesthetic.” Having invested a remarkable $73,000 in cosmetic enhancements, Patrick embarked on this journey at just 18 years old.

They recognized the inherent beauty of their natural features and freely stated their desire for a more feminine look. Patrick passionately embraces the doll-like aesthetic, reflecting their personal admiration for it.

© patrichaflatwood / Instagram

Patrick has no desire to change their gender.

© patrichaflatwood / Instagram

.Unlike others who may pursue a similar appearance for that aim, Patrick stated unequivocally that they have no intention of changing their gender.

They explained, «It is easier for me to adapt to a female face because my natural features weren’t very masculine.»

Starting their journey at 18, Patrick has undergone regular monthly filler treatments in various facial areas like lips, chin, under-eye, and cheeks, in addition to Botox injections every three months.

Patrick plans to keep getting surgery.

Patrick has spent a total of £45,500 on Botox and other cosmetic treatments such as facelifts, rhinoplasty, and fillers over their journey. They plainly adore the “plastic look,” aiming for a completely symmetrical appearance that resembles dolls.

Inspired by the perfection that dolls represent, Patrick is constantly refining their features to emulate this aesthetic. It’s intriguing to see how individuals like Patrick draw inspiration from unconventional sources to shape their unique style and appearance.

© patrichaflatwood / Instagram

«I like the look because it shows other people that I take care of myself a lot, and I am a perfectionist. I have spent a lot of money on surgery and I don’t plan on stopping anytime soon.»

Patrick finds the «plastic look» appealing not just for its aesthetics but also as a testament to their dedication to self-care and perfectionism. They have invested heavily in surgery and have no intention of stopping anytime soon.

© patrichaflatwood / Instagram

Patrick frequently turns heads, receives stares, and giggles when strolling down the street, but they claim they don’t listen to other people’s comments. «I like the attention I get after I have a procedure,’ said Patrick last year. But not all of that attention is positive. I’ve been told I look like a monster, but at the end of the day, everyone has the right to look how they want,» Patrick said.

«My look causes much more of a problem for other people than it does for me. The surgery is my decision and the consequences are mine to live with. I do find that people assume I’m stupid because I look like Barbie. If they took the time to speak to me, they’d realize that I’m actually quite normal and intelligent,» they added.
