After neighbors destroy a fence multiple times, man builds one that destroys 5 of their cars

One of the commandments says to love thy neighbor, but sometimes the neighbor is beyond loving of any sort. No matter how much we try, some people just refuse to...

After neighbors destroy a fence multiple times, man builds one that destroys 5 of their cars

One of the commandments says to love thy neighbor, but sometimes the neighbor is beyond loving of any sort. No matter how much we try, some people just refuse to cooperate and show the slightest hint of civility. How do you deal with such a situation? One option is to have one big argument, vow to avoid each other as much as possible, and hope that, at least, you don’t get disturbed.

The other option requires wit and cleverness. Take revenge in such a way that will teach them a lesson while keeping your hands clean! That’s what happened about 4 years ago in a post about unruly neighbors in r/ProRevenge. Unfortunately, the original post has been deleted but the story is still there.

So the original poster lived in a small Central European neighborhood. Their neighbors were something like relatives, and the dispute between the two families apparently began far earlier than even the birth of OP.

First off, here are some details about how the properties are: “Our property lines are kinda like a square and it is surrounded by road from two sides. Keep in mind that on one part of the road we let our neighbors use 1 square meter of the land so they could use the dirt road safer and not damage our property. This is crucial information.

This road is made of gravel. The neighbors want my parents and only my parents to pay for the entire cost to lay an asphalt road. My dad and my mother are constantly fixing potholes for 90% of the road, so naturally, our neighbors thought that they will pay for the asphalt road.

The Revenge On The Neighbors

Unfortunately, even after two decades, the asphalt remained unpaved since neither neighbor could reach an agreement on who should pay. However, things took a turn for the worse when the neighbor ordered a huge wood-laden truck. This truck ran over the OP’s family fence, bending bits of metal and destroying all the plants. Needless to say, nobody paid for any property damages. However, OP and his family restored the fence, and that’s when OP’s father said that this was the third time the neighbors had done something similar.

A rough sketch of OP (MIha)'s house layout. The red part is where neighbors kept encroaching on.
Image Credits: BoredPanda

Now, OP’s father was a police department and knew the laws quite well. So they decided to take revenge by building a proper fence along the full length of their property:

He dug up the property line marker and placed plastic barrels filled with rocks on our property. In the next 6 hours, 3 of our neighbors came knocking on the door because they hit our plastic barrels filled with rocks. They were angry and wanted to call the cops. But they never did. Because everybody knew that little part of the land was still our property. One neighbor, in particular, threatened my dad that he will throw a fucking pickax at my father’s back. Over the period of 1 year, these neighbors hit the barrels so much with their cars that the barrels are now worthless.

My dad was furious and he changed his petty revenge into a pro-revenge. He cut some wood to use it as a mold. He bought cement, sand and metal poles. One peaceful afternoon my father and I cemented that whole part of the land and placed some lovely flowers on top. So when they hit the concrete they can smell our flowers of victory/defeat.”

The Toll Was Surprisingly Extensive

According to the OP, this unexpected concrete fence saw 5 of their neighbors’ cars crash! However, since OP was not in the wrong, nobody actually could complain. While talking to Bored Panda, the OP, Miha explained that the gravel road was usually the dispute. Over 2 decades, somehow, only OP’s parents had become the sole caretaker of that common road and even criticized them for not doing the job well enough.

The concrete fence that OP and their father built.
Image Credits: BoredPanda

However, how did this fence make so many cars crash? According to Miha, “Some of them are really bad drivers. But they got used to it after a while. There is one neighbor that was drunk most of the time. I wouldn’t say they were drunk driving but merely just turned too soon.” The drunk one passed away after some time, and relations with that neighbor mended.

With the other neighbors, though, relations were never the same again. Miha explains: “However, things remained the same with other neighbors. We were once friends, I even played with other kids and helped one neighbor with his garage stuff and the same neighbor even helped us with our car problems. Sadly, that relationship changed.

The Internet Reacts To The Unruly Neighbors

The majority of the comments talked about how the neighbors could crash so many times. As u/C-Cap puts it:
Jesus, you would think after the first couple of times word would spread around that maybe it isn’t a good idea to drive into your fence.

u/fishnetdiver gave another instance of such an incident:
One of my neighbors did this but with his mailbox. His house was on the corner of the block and people were constantly running it over. So one day he took a 6 in diameter 6-foot steel pipe, buried it halfway in the ground, filled it with concrete and then painted it brown. It wasn’t 2 days before one of the neighbors took out the front end of their car. Needless to say people slowed down on that corner after that.

u/pintail507 said that the whole incident completely blew their mind and would love to just see the cars crash somehow:
This is insane. I would love to see sped up footage of all these cars hitting concrete. Don’t even see how they could all be that dumb. This is totally r/idiotsincars.

Regardless, we have no doubt that the revenge put the neighbors in their place. What do you think of the whole situation? Who was in the wrong actually? Let us know in the comments below!
